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Fenix Summer Performances

in Deering Oaks Park

Q: Is there a bathroom in the Park?
A: There is an accessible port-a-potty near the performance area.

Q: Can I bring food and beverages? 
A: Yes, please! We highly recommend it!

Q: What else should I bring?
A: We recommend you bring a chair or blanket, a layer in case it gets chilly, and sunscreen or bug spray depending on the weather! 

Q: Is the show appropriate for children?
A: Yes! Fenix is known for physical comedy and fast-paced performances that are accessible to and loved by all ages. Love's Labor's Lost is not particularly bawdy and only has one big fight - which is all clowny playful fun, not at all violent.

Q: How can I donate?
A: We take cash, check, and Venmo (@fenix-theatre) donations in the park, or visit our website to make a PayPal donation any time.

Q: How much should I donate?
A: Our suggested donation is at least $20/person or $40/family. Your donations help us as a nonprofit organization keep free theater free, and pay our artists a living wage.

Q: What is the parking situation?
A: There is parking along the paths in Deering Oaks Park when you enter from Deering Avenue. You can also try parking on State Street, Park Ave, or Deering Ave.

Q: Is the performance space accessible for wheelchairs?

A: There is disability parking along the paths in Deering Oaks Park, and accessible pathways from there to the performance area. Please note the ground may be soft depending on weather conditions once leaving the sidewalks. 

Q: What if it rains?
A: If we cancel the show due to weather, we will announce the cancellation by 4pm the day of the show on social media, and if you make a free ticket reservation you will also get an email notification. If an announcement is not made, the show will proceed as planned. Please note that in the case of weather changing during a show, the performance may be stopped at any point at the discretion of the stage manager.


Fenix Winter Performances

at Stevens Square 

Q: Do I need to make a ticket reservation?
A: We highly recommend making a no-cost ticket reservation for 12th Night. This helps us easily contact attendees in case of weather cancellations, to provide show updates, and to better track attendance since we're in a rented venue. Just like in the Park, walk-ups are always welcome, we'll just ask you to arrive a little early to register in person with our House Manager! 

Q: How do I make a ticket reservation?

A: Click this link. Select the date and time you'd like to attend from the calendar, then REGISTER. Use the dropdown to select the number of tickets, then REGISTER. Enter your first and last name, email address, accept/deny (occasional) marketing. You have the option to add the same info for each ticket holder, but it is not required. Hit REGISTER. You will get an email confirmation! No physical tickets are required, just provide your name at the door. For help, please contact

Q: How can I donate?
A: We accept cash, check, and Venmo (@fenix-theatre) donations at each performance, or visit our year-end campaign website to make a donation any time.

Q: How much should I donate?
A: Our suggested donation is at least $20/person or $40/family. Your donations help us as a nonprofit organization keep free theater free, and pay our artists a living wage.

Q: Where is the show?
A: The theater space at Stevens Square Community Center is a 480-seat venue with comfortable, accessible seating. It used to be the Catherine McAuley performance space, a building that has undergone impressive renovations over the past few years. Click here for directions to Stevens Square Community (631 Stevens Ave, Portland).

Q: What is the parking situation?
Turn onto McAuley Way from Walton Ave and the large, FREE parking lot will be immediately on your right. There will be Fenix signage in front of the glass double doors at the entrance to the building.

Q: Is 12th Night: A Holiday Musical appropriate for children?
A: Yes! Fenix is known for physical comedy and fast-paced performances that are accessible to and loved by all ages. The 28 holiday songs include classics, recent pop, acoustic serenades, and familiar favorites that are all beloved by kids and adults alike. 

Q: Is this the same show as last year? 

A: Just like with other beloved holiday productions like "A Christmas Carol", it's the same production in terms of the script and set, but in all other senses it is a different show! We've added two new songs, it's an almost entirely new cast, we've flipped the gender on Malvolio, and each actor/musician is bringing new, exciting energy to the production. We're thrilled to be able to offer it as an annual holiday tradition! Hope to see you there this year!

Q: Are masks required?

A: At this time, we are not requiring audience members to wear masks. We will continue to monitor guidance from the CDC as the production approaches. Masking is always welcome. A COVID policy is in place for our production team to keep our actors and audiences safe and healthy.

Q: Remind me, what's the plot of Twelfth Night?

A: Click here for our 2023 plot & character guide PDF! 

Q: How long is the show?

A: The run time of 12th Night: A Holiday Musical is 2hr 20min which includes a 10min intermission. The show is fast-paced, moving seamlessly from scene to scene and song to song and filled with comedy and joy.

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